Friday, April 22, 2011

Still Going Strong!!!

It has been over a month since I have posted anything on here and I regret not keeping this up. I wouldn't say it is because I don't have time, because I have plenty of time to write on the weekends. Primarily, the lack of my writing has come from my lack of desire, as well as little to write about. I've never been one to write or keep journals, and even in school when the teachers made us write them, I detested it. SO... I'm going to try it again.
Since the last time I wrote on here, I have continued to put in a lot of hours at work. I continue to hope that my hard work and time is being recognized, and will pay off for me in the end. But regardless of the hours, things are going well. We are ready to start running production in the next two weeks, which is sooner than I thought we would, considering the amount of work we had to do. I was able to hire my brother to come and work for me at the plant which was great news for him (and me), since it has got him out of the rut that he was in with work. And bringing him aboard was one of the best things that I could do. Not only did I get him a raise over his last job, and I got him into a different field...but I also get to spend more time with him than I have since I lived at home. So, having this time, we have had the chance to bond more, as well, it has given me the chance to teach him some things about my industry. I know things are going to work out well for him. It has only been three weeks that he has worked for me, and in that time, my boss has already commented that he is doing well! And, my brother is the only person at work that I trust 100%, and I know that we have each other's best interests in mind at all times. We both want to see each other succeed, and we will do what it takes to make that happen. So, let's hope it keeps going that way.
On a different note, a couple of weeks ago I decided on one sunny day to take my son to the school parking lot and teach him how to ride his bike without training wheels. This was long overdue, and it was a success! Unfortunately, my wife could not be there because she was working, but I was able to take a lot of short videos. Now I just need to keep hoping for some more nice weather so that I can take him to practice some more before we can go for bike rides together. He was very frustrated, and did not want to keep trying, and at time he was afraid and nervous. But, once he got going, and I started letting go of his seat, he found the will to keep going. He was very excited once he was doing it on his own, and I was excited for him! But even more, I was extremely proud of him!!! Way to go son!!
This weekend is Easter for Christians around the world, and it is a weekend for me to watch what I eat. I have come a long way, and have made excellent progress with my weight loss. To date, I have officially lost 31 pounds. But prior to actually starting my diet, I weighed in at 340 lbs. So I consider that my actual starting weight, which puts me own 36 lbs. so far. I have stopped the 4 Hour Body Diet, and have adopted that diet as part of my life style, but I have incorporated carbs into my diet. I figured that would be the best thing for me to do, so that I would not balloon from carbs after finishing the diet. But the one main aspect of the diet that I still to binge on the weekend. This really seems to be working for me so far, and I will continue to do this. So, I guess you can say that I am no longer dieting. Even though I continue to lose weight, it has become a lifestyle change. My wife has been telling me since we started this "Journey" together, that we are not on a diet, but have changed our lifestyle's!
So, at this time, I don't think I have anything else really that I want to write about. My weight loss is still going strong, I donated a lot of clothes, I still work a lot, and I plan on enjoying my weekend with my families!

Happy Easter to everyone, and let's all keep up the good work.
